A person with dark hair smiles while touching their face against a light blue background, radiating the confidence that comes from a rejuvenating skin treatment on Long Island.

Wrist Pain Treatment on Long Island

Whether you’re a mother looking to get a makeover to restore your pre-baby body, a breast cancer patient looking for reconstruction, or in need of elective hand surgery such as carpal tunnel syndrome, Dr. Pinsky is there to help you reach your desired results. Schedule an appointment today!

A person clad in a gray t-shirt clutches their wrist, highlighted in red to denote pain. They might be exploring treatments for relief, possibly from a specialist on Long Island.

An injury to the wrist can result in debilitation that makes performing even the simplest of tasks uncomfortable, complicated, and downright painful. This debilitation can be the result of a previous injury or a new one that is still in the process of healing. The wrist is a complicated joint, and proper treatment often involves the expert eye of a specialist in hand and wrist pain like Dr. Brian Pinsky. Every year Dr. Pinsky provides surgical treatment options that help ease pain and restore functionality. The earlier you seek treatment for a wrist complaint, the more likely you’ll be able to safely regain the normal use of your wrist.

What Sensations Let Me Know I Need To Give Dr. Pinsky A Call?

The most common wrist injuries are a repetitive stress injury known as carpal tunnel and arthritis. Fractures are another frequently seen form of injury that leads to wrist pain, most often as the result of catching oneself wrong after a fall. Wrist injuries from falls or other sources of impact are particularly common among those living an active lifestyle. It may be time to visit our office if you have any of these symptoms:

  • Impaired wrist mobility
  • Lumps on the wrist
  • Weakness in the wrist
  • Pins and needles occurring in the wrist or hands
  • Feelings of instability in your wrist
  • Pain in the wrist resulting from activities such as typing, playing an instrument, etc.

What Solutions Are Available From Dr. Pinsky For Wrist Pain?

Dr. Pinsky specializes in elective wrist surgery options. Elective, in this case, does not refer to a purely cosmetic treatment. Instead, it refers to an optional potential solution for concerns related to hand and wrist pain. Elective surgeries often restore the patient’s quality of life. In some patient’s cases, the benefits can be significant, especially when the concern responds well to surgical options. Some examples of conditions treatable with elective wrist surgery include:


Ganglion are tumors that form either below or above the wrist. Their presence can result in pain caused by the pressure from the tumor. These respond well to surgery, and removing them often results in a full restoration of movement.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

This condition takes its name from the tunnel that the median nerve passes through in the wrist. Symptoms of this condition can respond well to a surgical treatment that relieves the compression on the nerve.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

This complex condition affects the nerves and tendons of the wrist and hands, and surgical treatments can become necessary for relief in its more severe cases.

If you have further points you’d like to discuss the benefits of receiving treatment for wrist pain from Dr. Pinsky, reach out to our office today. You’ll be scheduled for an appointment, which will involve an exam and consultation on your condition. As part of this consultation, surgical solutions may be discussed, including their viability and expected potential benefits. Call today to ease wrist pain, restore function, and regain the quality of life lost to these conditions.