Sculpt Your Arms With Brachioplasty
When discussing plastic surgery options, the most prominently discussed choices involve breast lifts, tummy tucks, even rhinoplasty. While these are all important options for the cosmetic surgery patient, we’d be remiss if we left out options for one of the hardest working parts of the body, the arms. One of the core concerns of those who have conquered the battle of the bulge is the loose skin left behind after having dropped the pounds. Weight loss and other considerations can lead to loose, flabby skin being present under the arms, but Brachioplasty can help!
What Brachioplasty Is And How It Can Help Your Arms
Brachioplasty is a form of plastic surgery that focuses on improving the appearance of your arms. Even with hours spent at the gym trying to tone your body, you may not ever be able to get rid of the loose skin on your arms naturally. Brachioplasty includes a number of cosmetic procedures that come together to produce beautiful taut arms that look great in any outfit. The most common parts of a Brachioplasty include:
- Liposuction – This routine procedure is used to eliminate unwanted fat from target areas
- Skin Removal – This is a great solution for those who just have loose skin that won’t go away
- Arm Lift – This procedure focuses on reshaping the arm and is great for those for whom fat loss is a minimal concern and skin elasticity is good.
One or more of these procedures can be used in the process of performing a Brachioplasty for a patient. If liposuction is performed, the patient will receive two incisions, one at the elbow the other in the upper armpit. These incisions will be used to remove unwanted tissue.. Skin removal is a relatively simple procedure but has the drawback of producing a more noticeable scar, making it an option for whom an arm lift isn’t suitable.
What To Expect During Recovery From A Brachioplasty
Brachiaplasties and all of the procedures involved in performing one are fairly routine for the skilled cosmetic surgeon, so the risk of complications is minimal. The steps involved in your recovery vary based on the specifics of your surgery. If liposuction was performed, you can expect to be wearing a compression garment for up to a month following the procedure. While recovery time from an arm lift is faster, it typically takes 90 days to show long-term results.
These procedures can produce fantastic results for those patients who have been struggling to keep the winter pounds off or who have been struggling to get arms they’ll be proud to show off. If you’re wondering if a Brachioplasty can help you address your arm-related concerns, give our offices a call today. You’ll be scheduled for a consultation during which your cosmetic surgical options will be presented. Once you select your option, you’ll be briefed on what to expect and given a clear indication of how much recovery time you’re going to need after the procedure. Don’t let summer find you hiding your arms; call to get started today!