rejuvenating your skin for that next big event is easyaugust 21 2021 61bcc9a510e0f 1024x640 1

Rejuvenating Your Skin For Your Next Big Event

Is there a momentous occasion coming up? Is someone special to you getting married or graduating? Is it time for your High School reunion? Now is the time to go that extra step in helping you look your best. With time, care, and help from your plastic surgeon, you can be looking better than ever. Numerous treatment options are on the market to help you restore that youthful glow. It’s just a matter of choosing which one is right for you!

When It’s Your Time To Shine, Consider These Options!

If you’ve been considering getting a specialty facial, your upcoming event is the right time. Botox, non-surgical face enhancement, and PRP treatments can be done in little time. The results you’ll get are immediately noticeable. Even better, they’ll stay looking great for weeks or months to come. Regardless of your choice, you will need a little downtime before the event. Consider these treatments and how long you’ll need to look your best.

  • Facials and Microdermabrasion – These are great ways to help your skin shine. However, you’ll need a couple of days afterward to heal. These treatments open your pores, but there are consequences. Acne, irritation, and blotchy red patches can happen for a day or two. After that, you’ll be glowing beautifully.
  • Botox and Injectables – These are well-known and popular cosmetic treatment options. They can eliminate lines and refresh your appearance quickly, but not instantly. For botox, in particular, you’ll need a week for the redness to fade.
  • Juvederm – A respected filler among cosmetic surgery patients. It helps to eliminate the wrinkles and folds near the mouth and nose. While it acts quickly to eliminate signs of aging, you’ll need time. It takes a week or more for the redness and swelling to fade.
  • Platelet-Rich PlasmaThis is a newer treatment, but it’s gaining popularity fast. Known as ‘stem-cell therapy,’ it uses plasma taken from you to stimulate healing. Two or three days are required after the treatment to look your best.
  • Rhinoplasty – Known to most as a nose job, rhinoplasty can reshape your nose. This treatment can also be used to improve nasal function. As a surgery, this procedure will take at least six weeks of recovery time.
  • Ultherapy – This treatment involves the use of an ultrasound instrument that helps to tighten sagging skin. Ultrasound helps stimulate the body’s regenerative properties, resulting in collagen growth. A whole week or more is advisable for recovery.

Each of these treatments can provide meaningful results relatively quickly. However, all of them have at least a small degree of recovery. Preparing ahead ensures you can schedule your visit with enough time to heal.

You Should Only Trust Your Face to the Best

If your special event is just around the corner, it’s time to make a call. Your cosmetic surgeon will provide treatment options that will meet your needs. When you’ve decided what option is right for you, it’s time to schedule. Ensure that your procedure date leaves you plenty of time to heal afterward. A little extra time is all it takes to look your absolute best.

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