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Exploring The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Breast Augmentation

More women are opting into breast augmentation surgery with every passing year. For some, it’s a way to enhance their naturally small breasts. Others are seeking to restore volume after breastfeeding, pregnancy, or weight loss. Like any procedure, you’ll find pros and cons to consider beforehand. No matter your reason, it’s essential to take the time to understand them. Once you do, you’ll know if breast augmentation surgery is right for you.

A Short Guide To The Pros and Cons of Breast Augmentation

When you’re considering getting cosmetic surgery, there’s a lot on the plate. The reasons for doing so vary from patient to patient, as are the reasons not to. Some are concerned about the expense. Others worry about how others will see them afterward. Most are just wanting to look their best and be proud of their bodies. Consider the following pros and cons of cosmetic treatment:

  • Pro – A Body That Inspires Confidence and Feels Great – There is a cultural stigma around women who are seen as ‘flat.’ Large breasts are, for better or worse, tied to a traditionally feminine appearance. For some women, small breasts developed that way. Other women’s breasts may have lost mass after losing weight or breastfeeding. With breast enhancement, you’ll have a profile that makes you feel great.
  • Pro – Long Lasting Solution – No implant option is meant to last forever, but it will last for years. Your new bust will look great in clothes and out. It will also last longer than non-surgical augmentation options.
  • Pro – Customized Appearance – There’s no one-size-fits-all in breast augmentation. Your specialist will tailor it to your desires and your body shape. You can go for a natural look or go for a more dramatic appearance that’s unmistakable.

So that’s a solid start on the good sides of getting a breast augmentation. Now it’s time to touch on the drawbacks.

  • Con – Downtime – No matter how advanced or minor, surgery is going to require downtime. You’ll need about seven days to recover, possibly longer. Trying to recover faster will have you back in the chair. Your specialist will let you know when you can go back to normal activities.
  • Con – Potential Complications – Like any medical procedure, there’s always a chance for misadventure. Sensation loss, asymmetry, and capsular contracture are all possibilities. Your specialist will let you know more.
  • Con – Getting The Wrong Implant – One possible complication is selecting the wrong size or type of implant. Your body may reject the implant, it may not be the right size, or it may not look right. You can’t know any of this until after the surgery.
  • Con – Complicated Mammograms – The implants can make it hard to get clear mammography. This difficulty means it will be easier for breast cancer to be missed. It won’t make you more likely to get it. It’s just harder to see when it’s there.

Consult Your Cosmetic Surgeon For Help Making a Decision

If you’re still undecided about getting breast augmentation, call your specialist. They’ll provide you with options, discuss the treatments, and help develop a plan. Don’t wait to look your best; make the call today!

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