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How a Breast Reduction Can Improve Quality of Life

While one of the most discussed procedures sought from plastic surgeons is breast enhancement, it is rivaled by the desire for breast reductions. Also referred to as a reduction mammoplasty, this procedure reduces the size and weight of the breast by eliminating excess tissue, skin, and fat. Breast reduction surgery is often sought by those seeking to reduce related complications, such as back pain, or for aesthetic reasons. In some cases, breasts can be large enough to impact the ability to engage in certain physical activities or to find clothes that fit well.

Reasons Why Women Might Seek Out Breast Reduction

Breasts that are significant in size can account for a large amount of additional strain on the shoulders, back, and chest of the patient. Complications arising from this additional strain can range from merely inconvenient to life-altering. Among the problems faced by those in need of breast reduction surgery include:

  • Neck, shoulder, and back pain that requires treatment with medication
  • Skin irritation or chronic rashes found under the breasts
  • Neuropathy
  • Limitations on physical activity
  • Self-image issues based on breast size
  • Difficulty finding clothing that fits

All of these can be the result of large breasts and can have significant impacts on the quality of life of the patient. Large breasts can occur as part of natural development or may occur due to weight gain or raising children. However, breast reduction surgery should be avoided by those who:

  • Engage in tobacco use
  • Have heart problems, diabetes, or other health concerns
  • Are significantly overweight
  • Are concerned about scarring on their breasts
  • Intend to have children later in life
  • Intend on losing significant weight in the future

Those who do not find themselves included on the above list may determine it’s time to speak to their cosmetic surgeon about treatment. The reasons each patient opts to get a breast reduction are as varied as the patients who opt to get them.

What To Expect As Part Of Your Breast Reduction Surgery

When you first decide to investigate the possibility of getting a breast reduction, you’ll likely want to consider the potential risks. While the procedure is fairly routine and is generally performed without serious complications, there are some to consider. The following risks are associated with breast reduction treatments.

  • Temporary Bruising
  • Scarring
  • Sensation loss in the nipple or surrounding skin
  • Nipple Removal
  • Trouble breastfeeding
  • Variances in symmetry, size, or shape of the breasts

When the time comes to consider your reduction, you’ll undergo a consultation with your cosmetic surgeon. During this stage, you’ll undergo a standard exam, and the following steps may occur:

  • Overall health assessment
  • Medical history evaluation
  • Benefits, risks, and potential complication of the procedure
  • Photographs of your breasts for your records
  • Explanation of anesthesia that may be used during surgery

The procedure itself will involve the use of general anesthesia to render you unconscious throughout. In most instances, the surgeon will make an incision around your areola and down the underside of each breast. This incision will be used to remove breast tissue, skin, and fat to achieve the desired size. This is followed by the reshaping of the breast and repositioning of both the areola and the nipple. The particular details of your procedure will be discussed with you by your surgeon.

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