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What Makes Hand Restoration Unique?

What Makes Hand Restoration Unique?

Our hands are an intricate part of how we function every day. When issues exist with our hands, whether cosmetic or health-wise, the passage of time and the progress of aging can cause noticeable loss volume, larger veins appearing, and irregular contours begin to appear. Our hands are considered one of the first areas of our bodies to reveal our age first, as they’re the most visible and exposed parts of our bodies to factors such as sunlight and constant use. While these natural signs of aging are normal, for some, the severe pronunciation of aging hands makes it difficult to manage. However, with the power of hand restoration, these physical markers can be erased, and your hands can look as good as new!

What Makes Hand Restoration Unique?

Today, many people are pursuing hand and facial rejuvenation with a huge amount of interest over the last few years. The hands, however, are a challenging and complex part of our bodies that require intricate understanding to approach. People seeking smooth, youthful hands often face poor laxity of the skin along the surface of the hands, prominent veins and tendons underlying the hand structure, and even aging spots develop along the surface of the skin. To achieve contour and fullness, plastic surgeons have to use medical techniques that work intricately with the body’s function to help restore appearance, thus making it a challenging excursion.

Luckily, hand restoration isn’t just a simple one technique procedure, as hand restoration is an adaptive, ever-evolving procedure that uses multiple methods for each patient’s individual needs. These techniques include:

  • Fat Transfer: A fat transfer works to correct volume loss by collecting a fat graft from other body areas and then surgically grafted onto the hand area. Fat transfers work best due to their low rejection rates and successful healing times. Through fat transfers, hand restorations can last for years.
  • Dermal Fillers: Dermal fillers benefit from being a less invasive treatment method and tend to be long-lasting due to the way they restore contour and fullness throughout the hands. Dermal fillers also can remove visible bumps and lumps found throughout the hands and work to increase collagen production.
  • Skin Excision: Skin excisions work around areas of loose skin around the hands. The loose, old age skin areas are removed and are typically used for those with mild to moderate volume loss. This surgical method can also be combined with other methods to create contoured, smooth hands.
  • Sclerotherapy: This form of therapy is a non-surgical method that uses sclerosing solution and is typically used to remove the appearance of varicose veins and spider veins across the hands. It also targets veins that cause bulging underneath the skin and helps restore lost volume.

Hand Restoration: A Customized Approach To Beauty

Hand restoration uses a combination of procedures to help remove signs of aging, restore lost volume, and give your hands a new, more youthful appearance. For more information about hand restorations and what they can do for you, contact your local plastic surgeon to learn more about your treatment options.

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Get An Eyelift For This Holiday Season

Get An Eyelift For This Holiday Season

The holiday season is just ahead, which means time around people you may not have seen in a while. Why not take a little extra me-time this year and give yourself a touch-up that will stun them? Blepharoplasty is a procedure that freshens the appearance of the skin around your eyes. This is accomplished by removing unnecessary fat and skin from the eyelids, eliminating folds and wrinkles in the process. Some recovery time is necessary, so getting it done before the holidays are fully in motion gives you time to look your best.

Blepharoplasty And How It Can Take Years From Your Eyes

Blepharoplasty addresses both eyelids if needed. The lower eyelid surgery generally involves a small incision made below the lash line or just inside the eyelid. This latter approach is known as a transconjunctival approach. It allows access to the eyelid without leaving unsightly scars from incisions. Laser resurfacing can be performed on the eyelid to reduce wrinkles and lines. We encounter some common questions when discussing this procedure, including:

  • Why Get Eyelid Surgery? Unnecessary fat and eyelid skin can create an aged, heavy-looking appearance made more apparent by puffiness. It can also impair vision in the upper area if the lid is too excessive.
    • Lower Blepharoplasty is selected when improvement of the contour of the eye is required. This can be accomplished by removing skin or adding/removing fat to reach the desired effect.
    • Double eyelid surgery is often performed to enhance the crease of the upper eyelid. It’s popular in Asian cultures to “westernize” the eyelid’s appearance.
  • Am I A Good Candidate For Blepharoplasty?
    • If you’re in decent health and have realistic expectations of the result, you’re a good candidate for eyelid surgery.

Preparation for eyelid surgery begins with a detailed examination. During the examination, the surgeon will discuss the details of the procedure. They will go over the benefits and risks of having the procedure done. They’ll also thoroughly go through the steps involved, including the recovery process. This will allow the patient to properly prepare for the journey ahead. A good step in this process is collecting items you’ll need to make recovery go smoothly. These can include:

  • Cooling gel packs to ease swelling and related discomfort
  • Artificial tears to help clear and protect the eye
  • Gauze to cover the affected area as it heals and keep out debris and dirt

You may also be informed that you need to be cleared for the procedure. This is most often done if general anesthesia is used during your procedure. In some cases, the clearance of an ophthalmologist will be necessary if eye health is a concern.

Get Started To Look Your Best This Holiday Season?

Getting a jump on your appearance this holiday season means you’ll be looking your best when the holidays arrive. Reach out to your cosmetic surgeon today to get advice on which procedures may be right for you. Your eyes can be brightened, wrinkle-free, and smooth in just one simple procedure!